Flat Top

Straight Steel

Crimped Steel

Extruded Steel

Flat Top Cans

FT-A-1a  Anchor Export Beer  28Metal Box   no contents




FT-A-1b  Anchor Export Beer  Metal Box  no contents

FT-A-2  Anchor Export Beer  Metal Box  contents added




FT-A-3  Anchor Pale  30Metal Box

Straight Steel Cans

SS-A-1  Abbot Ale  Crown Cork Company

SS-A-2  Allied Breweries Brown Peter  Metal Box  cream, “a Brown Ale”

SS-A-3  Allied Breweries Light Peter  Metal Box  cream, “a Light Ale”

SS-A-4  Alpine Ayingerbräu Lager  nm

SS-A-5  Anchor Export Beer  Metal Box

SS-A-6  Anchor Export Beer  Metal Box  contents added

SS-A-7  Anchor Export Beer  nm  “Hull Brewery”

SS-A-8  Anchor Export Beer  nm  “North Country Breweries”

Crimped Steel Cans

CS-A-1  Abbot Ale  Crown Cork Company

CS-A-2a  Abbot Ale  Crown Cork Company  light logo with abbot

CS-A-2b  Abbot Ale  Crown Cork Company  dark logo with abbot

CS-A-2c  Abbot Ale  Crown Cork Company  writing in gold/silver

CS-A-3  Abbot Ale  Am Can Com  “A Strong Pale Ale”

CS-A-4  Abbot Ale  Am Can Com  “Strong Bitter”

CS-A-5  Alpine Ayingerbräu Lager  nm

CS-A-6  Augustus Barnett  Reads

Extruded Steel Cans

ES-A-1  Abbot Ale  Nacanco 4  abbot in white circle, top: ”best before date on base of can”, blue

ES-A-2a  Abbot Ale  Nacanco 4  abbot in white circle, top: ”best before date on base of can”

ES-A-2b  Abbot Ale  Nacanco 4  abbot in white circle

ES-A-2c  Abbot Ale  Nacanco 4  abbot in white circle, top: ”best before date on base of can”

ES-A-3  Abbot Ale  Nacanco 21  abbot in white/green circle

ES-A-4  Abbot Ale  Nacanco  abbot in white/green circle, “best before …” text as fourth line added

ES-A-5  Arrow Super Quench  nm  paper label

Flat Top

Straight Steel

Crimped Steel

Extruded Steel